


Project Management
System Design and Development
Hot Strip Mills (Conventional, Steckel, and Mini-Mill)
Continuous Casters (Slabs, Rounds, and Thin Strip)
Tandem Cold Mills, Temper Mills, Pickle Line
Annealing Lines
Seamless Pipe Mills
Senior Consulting Engineer – Software and Hardware design of new line additions, using PLC’s (GE Innovation and Siemens S-7) and Computer Systems (PC’s – Alpha/VMS – Setup Models) for Continuous Pickle Line Tandem Cold Mill, Temper Mills and Annealing Lines. Used Six Sigma approach to improve operating ratio, operating productivity and yield. Worked with the Quality department to improve Shape, Gage and Width parameters. Design and implementation of Cold Mill Setup, Shape and Furnace Control Models. Design and implementation of Line Pacing Control. Improvements to Continuous thin strip caster.
Lead Engineer/Site Manager – Software and hardware design, installation and commissioning for green field Continuous Caster startup in Qinquangdao China, and Hot Strip Mill in Maryland, U.S.A. Refurbishing Main Drives, AHMSA Hot Strip Mill, Mexico. Four Casters, Eight Hot Strip Mills, one Pickle Line Tandem Cold Mill and Four Tandem Cold Mills, either green field or revamp startups. Two GE managerial awards for outstanding contribution. Hoogovens HSM startup, Netherlands and Commonwealth Aluminum TCM startup, Kentucky.
PLC’s GE – DMC/Innovation, Siemens – S5, S7. Westinghouse WDPF.
Networking TCP/IP, Ethernet, EGD.
C++, C, Fortran, Delphi, Macro, Open VMS, Windows Operating Systems, SAS
Databases Oracle, SQL
PC, VAX, Alpha, Itanium
Drives Siltron, Silcomatic
L1, L2, L3 programming, design and development. Hot Strip Mill, Tandem Cold Mill, Temper mill and Annealing Line models, tracking, pacing, data gathering. HMI systems. L3 scheduling.
Senior Consulting Engineer, Fusion Automation. Most projects at various lines at USS-Posco, Pittsburg, California. 2007-2013
Senior Consulting Engineer, Siemens E &A, Alpharetta, Georgia. 2003-2007
Senior Consulting Engineer, Autosys Corporation, Orlando, FL. 1991 – 2003
Field Engineer/Senior Field Engineer. General Electric Drive Systems, Salem, Virginia. 1981-1991.
BS Electrical Engineering – Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K.
MBA Credits, University of Central Florida
4 Year technician apprenticeship – Ferranti Avionics, Edinburgh, U.K.
English native language, Spanish read, write and speak well.