Engineering and Design Technology of Hot and Cold Rolling Processes, EAF, Continuous Casting
Commissioning and Mill Optimization
Executive Management of Engineering and Operations for the Steel Industry
Al began his carrier in the steel industry at United States Steel where he worked for twenty (20) years in various engineering and operation positions including Assistant General Foreman of the 80” Hot Strip Mill, General Foreman of Maintenance of the Electric Furnace and Continuous Caster and Manager of Technical Implementation Program at the Fairless Works. Following working at USS, Al worked for Tippins Incorporated for 16 years as Vice President of Customer & Field Services and Plant Manager of Tuscaloosa Steel Corporation, a subsidiary of Tippins, now called Nucor Tuscaloosa. For the last 7 years Al has been working as a consultant, on assignments with Jindal Stainless in Hisar India, IPSCO (SSAB) in Mobile, AL, SMS-Siemag AG, US Steel, ISG, Mittal and Severstal.
B. A. Temple University 1965 Physical Science
A.M.P. West Virginia University 1982 Advanced Management Program